Register with and submit your story free and also you can submit your story asap because we are providing you to submit a story without email verfications.
Register!The web pages we bookmarked at social bookmarking sites is considered as a quality backlink in the eyes of search engines.
And we all know that the quality backlinks helps us to increase blog traffic and Google Page Rank. That’s why SEO professionals include SB in their search engine optimization practices.
Doing Social Bookmarking on Sbookmarking is not a tough job. Everyone can do it after learning how to do it.
First you have to collect a list of top social bookmarking sites so that you can easily start your work on them. You can use this Social Bookmarking List to start the process.
The submission should be in a proper way so that you blog always get free from any SEO penalties because I have already said that wrong SEO can ruin your blog ranking.
There are lot of things which we should keep in mind during submission. So make sure to do social bookmarking carefully.